Sorry tak tersambung2 pulak citer Madinah ni... Terbusy sket nampaknya...
Okla, back to the story ok...
On the 2nd day in Madinah, we were brought to see the surrounding area of Masjid Nabawi such as perkuburan Baki' and Raudhah which is inside the masjid. Perkuburan Baki' is located outside the mosque but within the mosque's vicinity. Kat sini la bersemadinya ahli keluarga Rasulullah dan sahabat2 Baginda. But we didn't go into the musoleum (sp??), just stood outside the fence and recited our doa.. Later, the male and female group members separated and made way into Raudhah to perform our prayers.
The next day barulah we all dapat visit Madinah. We went to Masjid Quba', Masjid Qiblatain, Ladang Kurma, Pasar Kurma, Jabal Uhud, emm... mana lagi yek? tak ingat pulak... hehe... Apa-apa hal pun, enjoy the photos!
Masjid Quba adalah masjid pertama yang didirikan oleh orang Islam
Masjid Quba adalah masjid paling suci selepas Masjid AlHaram, Masjid Nabawi dan Masjid AlAqsa
I thot masa pegi Ladang kurma ni pegi tengok pokok2 kurma & petik2 kurma.
Rupa2nya pegi terus tempat jual kurma. Me & hubby did not buy any dates here cos we heard that the prices are expensive as compared to the ones sold in Pasar Kurma.
I took this notice on Ajwa dates. Plick click on the picture for larger view.
Kelebihan2 pada sesiapa yang memakan kurma Ajwa.
Tempat terjadinya peperangan Uhud di zaman Rasulullah
Can you see so many people on that Jabal??
Yang tu rendah je, I pun panjat jugak...
Do you notice the couple on the left?
They are husband & wife, my group members
They've been living in Perth Australia for 38 years..Huhu...Lama tuh!!
And until now still living there with their daughter and grandchildren.
Such a nice couple! I call them Pak Aji & Mak Aji.
Syuhada Uhud
Ada one time tu kat Madinah banjir besar. Tiba2 penduduk Madinah terbau satu bau yang sangat wangi. There were all puzzled as to what had caused the bauan yang wangi tu. Bila diorang pegi check, rupa-rupanya mayat2 para Syuhada Uhud ni semuanya dah terapung2 di dalam banjir ni. Mayat2 ni badannya masih fresh, tidak reput dan darahnya semua masih fresh seperti baru saja terbunuh dan baunya sangat wangi. Selepas kejadian tu, barulah mayat2 ni pindahkan ke perkuburan di sebelah kanan tu...
Begitulah, mayat para2 syuhada, dah mati lama pun badan tak reput, malah berbau wangi lagi!
Oh sorry I didn't take any pictures pun kat Masjid Qiblatain and pasar kurma.
On Friday, the 4th day we all bersiap2 bertolak ke Makkah after Friday prayers. That morning me & a makcik (my group member) had planned to visit the Raudhah cos nak buat ziarah wida' ke atas Rasulullah. About 8.30am tu we all pegilah Masjid tapi terkejut cos laluan ke Raudhah from the women section semua dah ditutup. We could only see the exit je and we saw a throng of people coming out from that route. Rupa2nya on Friday Raudhah ni ditutup cepat to make way for Friday prayer. Lagipun on Friday la ramai people from Saudi ni datang and maybe nearby countries cos Friday kan their public holiday. Me & the makcik were so down cos tak dapat buat ziarah wida'. The makcik suggested to me to take a walk around the masjid cos we could still recite our doa from the outside of masjid. After all, those women on uzur syarie pun boleh berdoa dari luar as long as dapat mengadap ke arah green dome. Sorry I didn't bring my camera. Kat masjid nabawi ni ada satu dome which is green in color and directly beneath the green dome tu la terletaknya Raudhah. Ada satu entrance kat green dome tu but only lelaki je yang boleh masuk. So me & makcik pergi kat situ & berdiri kat luar green dome tu je la sambil berdoa. Oh, syahdu jugak masa tu... Ye la nak ucap selamat tinggal Rasulullah... Bila la lagi nak datang kan... InsyaAllah bila panjang umur lagi.... Amin! Oh, we strolled around the masjid and Oh God! The masjid is so so so HUGE! Ntah berapa kilometres la diameter masjid ni ye.. And I've never seen any mosques that are as beautiful as Masjid Nabawi. The architecture is wonderful and superb!
Before we all solat Jumaat tuh, we were advised to mandi sunat ihram siap2 cos lepas solat dah terus2 nak bergerak ke Makkah. The guys were all in their ihram gear cos nak ambik miqat & berniat unrah di Masjid Bir Ali which is a few kilometres away from Madinah. As usual me & hubby took the front seats in the bus, hehe...
The journey pun macam biasa la around 5-6 hours. We stopped by at one of R&Rs to have our dinner, Nasi Arab. I melantak dgn banyak jugak. Hoho...
Okla, to be continued later...
Before we all solat Jumaat tuh, we were advised to mandi sunat ihram siap2 cos lepas solat dah terus2 nak bergerak ke Makkah. The guys were all in their ihram gear cos nak ambik miqat & berniat unrah di Masjid Bir Ali which is a few kilometres away from Madinah. As usual me & hubby took the front seats in the bus, hehe...
The journey pun macam biasa la around 5-6 hours. We stopped by at one of R&Rs to have our dinner, Nasi Arab. I melantak dgn banyak jugak. Hoho...
Okla, to be continued later...