Sampai kat Jordan pun satu hal... Just imagine, sampai2 pun punya la banyak tapisan2 scan dia... This is the 1st time I went to a Muslim country so mana la I tau nak beratur scan tu kena asing2 male and female. Dengan selamba jer I beratur belakang hubby. Habis kena jerit ngan orang Immigration tu.. I can't remember how many scans that we had to go through tapi hubby pun macam malas dah nak pakai balik belt dia pasal belt pun kena bukak... tension je dia. The same goes to other group members.
We did not go for tour this time cos we only had limited time, dalam 8-9 hours camtu je, so tak sempat. We arrived about 4.30am, after ding-dong2 kat airport terus checked in kat Airport Hotel, about 5 mins drive from the Airport. Kat sana memang we all tido je la... Me & hubby did not even go out for breakfast pun. I was hungry actually but was not sure the breakfast was served or not. Rupa2nya some of the group members ada yang pegi breakfast kat hotel tu. Of course la breakfast is served. Logic la kan?? Blur pulak I ni...!! But me & hubby only managed to get our beauty sleep for a few hours cos by around 9am tu dah start bunyi bising2 ada orang bertukang kat dalam hotel... The hotel is currently undergoing refurbishment. Since dah tak boleh tido dah, kitorang lepak2 mandi & tengok tv je la...
About 11am, we were asked to get ready to get back to the airport. We were to leave for Jeddah around 1++ pm, dah tak ingat dah time dia... A shuttle bus was ready to bring us back to the airport. Oh, kat Jordan sekarang ni baru nak habis winter, tengah nak masuk Spring season cam tu.. sejuk la...
Getting ready to board the bus
Jordan flag
When we reached the airport, we had to go through the same nightmare again. Endless body and baggage scans, arrogant and unfriendly officers, bla bla bla... So moral of the story don't ever go and visit Jordan. Menyampah je haku! Cakap je bunyi Arab, tulisan pun tulisan Arab tapi berderet je liquor kat Airport tu, dalam flight pun ada liquor. Diorang ni kan liberal... bukannya Muslim country pun...
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