Monday, July 25, 2011

Cecelia Ahern - There's no place like here

I'm currently reading this book. This novel is not new, it was published a few years ago.

I've never read any books by Cecelia Ahern except for this one film based on her book: PS, I Love You. Well, I have just watched that movie 3 months ago.

Last two months, I came across a book sale that sold novels for RM20 each. So I grabbed the opportunity to get Ahern's book - any of her novels that has a print of "The International Bestseller".. -___-

Luckily I only bought one. Suffice to say that after 2 months I'm still at Chapter 24, still halfway through the book. There are 55 chapters altogether.

Maybe I'm still not used to her way of writing.. Hmm.. Have to speed up the reading!

Go! Go! Go!

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