Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gejala buang bayi

You all notice tak yang lately ni gejala buang bayi ni semakin menjadi-jadi? It is so heartbreaking to see innocent babies, alive or dead bodies are thrown away like unwanted byproducts or some smelly rubbish. When the bodies are found, they are already bitten by ants, bugs or yang meninggal tu dah ada maggots. Kenapa la makhluk-makhluk yang tak berdosa ni dibuat begini?? They are the cutest things in the world, for Godsake! Kalau dah taknak baby ni, taknak jaga ke, taknak orang tau ada anak luar nikah ke, letak la kat masjid-masjid ke, rumah-rumah ibadat yang lain ke, dekat police station ke (kalau pilih yang ni memang confirm kena tangkap) so that people can easily spot these unwanted babies and save them and send them to welfare homes or if they are found by some kind hearted people, these people can adopt them. Apa, susah sangat ke buat tu? Kalau pandai buat, pandai bawak baby tu selama 9 bulan, pandai pulak beranakkan baby tu dalam kesakitan yang paling sakit di dunia ni, sepatutnya kena la pandai jugak fikirkan camane nak tinggalkan baby ni dalam keadaan yang selamat..

As a mother myself, it is very heartwrenching when I see pictures of these babies being dumped in that manner. Some people who can't afford to have babies would feel the same way as I do as these people have gone through tough times to have children to call their own but at the same time there are idiots who don't know to appreciate gifts from God. These people are willing to spend thousands of their money to buy babies from a syndicate which shows that there are people who would go the extra mile to have that bundle of joy in their homes.

Orang-orang bodoh ni tau tak semasa mengandungkan baby ni segala perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh si ibu semuanya mendapat pahala. Even saat-saat nak melahirkan baby pun segala dosa-dosa kecil digugurkan. Tapi kenapa nak menidakkan semua pahala-pahala yang diberi malah digugurkan dosa-dosa dengan membuang baby ni? Bodoh betul la orang-orang ni... Tak ada perasaan langsung! Hati keras macam batu!

But what have the authorities done to prevent the offence? Very unlikely we hear that the offenders are brought to courts ke, sent to jail ke... Tiba-tiba senyap macam tu je... They are still roaming around as a free person and may be laughing their heart out reading the newspapers on this kind of news. Orang-orang macam ni hati batu, they don't have the slightest guilt in their hearts and tak terfikir ke that one day they might get married and have children. God is great. What goes around comes around. Kalau Tuhan nak membalas dosa-dosa orang macam ni, mungkin Tuhan tak perkenankan diorang ada anak ke, kalau ada anak pun, something bad befalls on them ke. Who knows?


AY said...

Nie semua disebabkan gejala seks yg meluas....budak2 sekolah sekrang dah pandai2...

zam said...

bukan setakat pandai tapi terer sangat....tulah akibatnya dah terlampau bebas sampai tak tahu hukum agama