Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bad day no. 2

Remember my posting on bad day yesterday? oh yeah...the bad luck continued till the evening, hokey! when the office hour finished at 5pm, i took my handbag & took the lift down & walked to the next building to get my car...ok, ok i know, why the **** i'm telling u all these...citer amik handbag & berjalan pun nak masuk ke?? FYI, the building where i park my car at is quite a distance like around 5-10 mins walk. kalau jalan laju2 u can reach there about 5 minutes je but if u walk really really lembab then it might take u 10 minutes...dah la tu sampai sana nak kena tunggu lift lagi... ok, bersambung dari citer tadi, while waiting for the lift to the carpark, i raba2 la handbag to look for my carkey. tiba2 i perasan my wristlet takde. ok, i put everything inside my wristlet like ic, credit cards, cash money, atm card & semua mak datuk la yg important yg kalau pencuri amik benda tu memang confirm menangis la... i was like so puzzled camane my wristlet got missing. if i was not mistaken lepas lunch tu memang i bukak my drawer & threw the wristlet inside. maybe the wristlet did not land properly inside my handbag...90% of my instinct said i called miss NA (our secretary) cos i knew she had not gone back yet, to check on my workstation in case wristlet tu tertinggal kat atas meja ke... dia cakap takde...hah, sudah camane la ye... instead of walking back to my office (my department is on 26th floor, hokey...)i took my car & drove to my office building. after i parked my car at the basement floor, i dashed to the lift & went up to my floor. masa dlm lift tu baru i realised i didn't bring along my kunci drawer. kunci drawer tu ada dlm my handbag & i left my handbag inside the car. huh, tension giler! i pun tekan balik button to go down to basement. at that time memang berpeluh2 la lari sana lari sini...i went back to my car & took the kunci drawer & went back to the lift. when i safely reached my floor i pun berlari2 la pergi to my workstation. Fuh, bila bukak drawer tu memang confirm my wristlet tercongok je dok dlm tu. kiranya i terbaling kebelakang sgt la sampai terkeluar dari handbag.

sometimes stupid mistakes ni menyebabkan rasa nak maki diri sendiri...huhu...
memang confirm January 6, 2010 was not my day...!!

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