Thursday, January 21, 2010

The one with necklace...

The other day kan was my kiddo's birthday. One of the birthday presents that she received was a gold necklace, given by my parents. Habib Jewel, hokeyyy... My parents gave her the necklace pun becoz she demanded it from my father. I think she must have seen it on tv ke, cartoon ke. When I asked my maid how she got the idea of the necklace, my maid ckp, "itu ada kakak-kakak dalam tv pakai necklace...". That was her answer...Tapi bila I tanya my kiddo during the kenduri the other day, she said, "Alesha saw Bibik wear necklace....". My maid memang ada pakai rantai mas pun... Kelasss gitu maid haku!

After the kenduri, I put on the necklace around my kiddo's neck. Tapi dia cam sebok2 nak main with her other presents je...Then she took it from me and main campak2 dalam toy house dia la, nyorok2 kan at other places la...Bahaya wooo...Dah la harga mas sekarang tinggi, kalau sapa2 jumpa boleh gadai kat kedai tu... After all, I think dangerous jugak if my kiddo were to wear it and my maid bawak dia jalan2 kat luar ke, orang lain nampak ke...Bahaya yek? So I decided to wear it myself daripada dok tersimpan je nanti kena bayar zakat pulak kan... I told my kiddo that I was gonna wear her necklace. She seemed ok je with the idea. Since that day, I've been wearing it for 5 days until yesterday evening when I came back from work, dah bukak2 tudung semua pas tu she saw the necklace around my neck. Dia terus tarik necklace tu sambil cakap, "THIS IS ALESHA'S NECKLACEEE!!" dengan nada marah tau! I gelak-gelak je la pasal budak umur 3 tahun pun dah boleh paham benda kepunyaan dia ke tak. I took it off & i told her that I was gonna keep it safely in the drawer. Dia terus rampas je benda tu & nyorokkan dalam my handbag. Tapi I nampak la dia simpan kat mana & masa dia tak perasan I simpan la balik dalam drawer. My maid told me that when she woke up that morning dia tanya my maid,

Kiddo: Bibik, where's Mommy?
Maid: Mommy office
Kiddo: Where's Daddy?
Maid: Daddy officeee...
Kiddo: Bibik, bibik go and hit Mommy!
Maid: Eh, why?
Kiddo: Mommy wear Alesha's necklace...

Har har har....Ada ke bangun tido pun boleh teringat kat necklace dia. Mesti dia mimpi tu I curi benda tu..Patut la I balik kerja dia marah nampak i pakai dia punya necklace...



Nor Affendy Mohd Amin said...

Waaaa..playing with PSP at age

AY said...

missy, didn't know that u have such a small neck that fits a kiddo necklace inside it.hurmmm wonder how small ur neck is...

why there is none picture of that necklace? wanna see la beb...

p/s ada x pendant dia gamba mickey mouse ke? disney princess ke?